High mast light HO/1:87 [Product number: 06080101]

$19.44 [without VAT and shipping costs]

  • <p>
	[English]painted and assembled [Deutsch]bemalt und gebaut</p>
  • <p>
	[English]painted and assembled [Deutsch]bemalt und gebaut</p>
  • <p>
	[English]painted and assembled [Deutsch]bemalt und gebaut</p>
  • <p>
	[English]painted and assembled [Deutsch]bemalt und gebaut</p>
  • <p>
	[English]painted and assembled [Deutsch]bemalt und gebaut</p>
  • <p>
	[English]painted and assembled [Deutsch]bemalt und gebaut</p>
  • <p>
	[English]straighten out[Deutsch]Geradebiegen</p>

High mast with flood lights - kit

This is a model of a 20 meter (~23 cm in HO) high mast with 8 flood lights, often found in industrial yards, ports, traffic round abouts etc.
It comes with 4 'guardrails' around the base of the mast (these can be purchased separately as well).

This kit consists of 1 high mast lights, consisting of 6 parts.

The frame with the 8 flood lights, should be attached to the top of the high mast, or can be lowered,
just above the manhole. You need to provide thin/straight rope/wire in both cases.

In case you want to depict the flood light frame to be lowered (for maintenance), unless your rope is very straight by itself, you might want to attach a metal M6 washer to the bottom of the frame with the lights, as to give it some weight, that will pull the ropes straight.

If the masts are warped, soak them in hot water (more then luke warm, but not boiling, suggested 70-80 degrees Celcius) for about 30 seconds, then let them cool down while straigthening them up along a straight square tube or similar.


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